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In addition to a dizzying array of out-of-the-box options, B&H can also build a custom workstation to suit your exact specifications. But choosing the right laptop for you can feel like a daunting task. Desktops & All-in-Ones Some products utilize the keyboard shortcut 'Ctrl + Alt + S'; the product information will appear after a short delay. If that doesn't work, this information can also be found on your bar code stickers, typically located on the back of your product. We are working to meet the current extraordinary customer demand for our products. Our website reflects current product availability but circumstances are dynamic. Surface Laptop 3 13 Model : Vef However in the recent years, the move towards ultimate portability has accelerated, the technology has changed so quickly and anything older felt like a dinosaur. Since then, the upgrade cycle has become faster and you will see huge benefits that go way beyond minor performance gains. If 4K battery lif